Do Tesla's Lock Automatically

The simple process of unlocking a Tesla is familiar to most car owners, but how about locking it? With Tesla’s innovative keyless entry system and sophisticated features, understanding the many strategies for securely locking your car is crucial.

If you’re a new Tesla owner or simply want to explore different locking options, this article will walk you through the various features and ways to safeguard your Tesla. This article will teach you both conventional and Tesla mobile app security methods and how to set additional security measures to lock your Tesla with confidence and peace of mind.

Discover which approach works best for you by comparing the methods for locking a Tesla.


Followings are some tricks and ways by using them you can lock and unlock your vehicle.


You can protect the security of your Tesla with a number of auto-locking settings. By turning on features like Auto Lock, you can make your Tesla lock automatically when specific conditions are met, such as walking away from your car or being in park mode.

Do Tesla's Lock Automatically

You can customize these settings on your Tesla’s touchscreen display or through the Tesla mobile app. Auto locking provides convenience and security by eliminating the need to constantly lock the car manually.


Tesla’s Phone Key feature facilitates locking and unlocking your car with a smartphone. A Bluetooth-connected phone acts as a key fob for your Tesla. When you step away from your Tesla, it will automatically lock itself using the Phone Key.

tesla phone key lock

A simple and practical way to lock your car without using keys is available with this feature.


For those who prefer conventional key fobs, Tesla offers the option to purchase more key fobs. It is easier to lock and unlock the car when several drivers have extra key fobs. Contact a Tesla service center or visit the Tesla online store to order more key fobs for your Tesla.

Do Tesla's Lock Automatically

It’s always a good idea to have several key fobs on hand so that you’ll always have a backup and are able to control access to your vehicle in a variety of ways.


Do Tesla's Lock Automatically

It is possible to lock and unlock a Tesla car without a key. With your key fob or smartphone nearby, your Tesla will automatically unlock when you are in close proximity. Tesla’s mobile app or key fob lock buttons can be used to lock the car. The ease and comfort of keyless locking and unlocking is provided due to the fact that the vehicle does not need to be physically interacted with to be secured.


With the Walk-Away Door Lock feature on your Tesla, you can lock the door when you walk away, adding an extra layer of security. As soon as you move a predetermined distance away from your Tesla, it will automatically lock the doors. This feature ensures that your car remains locked even if you do not physically lock it. By ensuring that your Tesla is always locked while you are away, the Walk-Away Door Lock provides you with security.


Inside your Tesla, locking the interior is a simple process. On the inner door panel, there is a lock button that may be pressed to lock all doors, including the rear trunk door. When you’re inside your car, you can quickly lock it using this technique. This is especially useful if you park your Tesla and want to lock it without getting out.


Do Tesla's Lock Automatically

Rather than unlocking all the doors at once, Tesla offers a driver door unlock option. When you use your Tesla mobile app or key fob to unlock your vehicle, only the driver’s door will unlock. All other doors will remain locked. When you are the only occupant of the car, this feature comes in handy when you need quick access without opening all the doors.


By touching the lock icon on the touchscreen, you can lock all of your Tesla’s doors. With this approach, the locking operation can be verified visually from inside the car. It is especially useful if you prefer a touchscreen interface or use the touchscreen for other activities already.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I lock my Tesla vehicle?

You can lock your Tesla by exiting the vehicle with your key fob or smartphone app. Once you are out of range, your vehicle will automatically lock itself.

Can I lock my Tesla remotely?

Tesla’s mobile app allows you to remotely lock your vehicle. From anywhere, you can secure your vehicle by opening the app, navigating to the “Controls” tab, and selecting the “Lock” option.

What if I forget to lock my Tesla?

You don’t have to worry if you forget to manually lock your Tesla. As soon as the key fob or smartphone app is out of range from the vehicle, the vehicle will automatically lock itself.

Is there a way to customize the locking settings of my Tesla?

You can customize the locking settings on Tesla vehicles according to your preferences. Through the vehicle’s touchscreen display or the Tesla mobile app, you can adjust settings such as auto-lock behavior and passive entry.

Can I disable passive entry to prevent unauthorized access to my Tesla?

Passive entry can be disabled if you prefer to unlock and lock your Tesla manually with a key fob or smartphone app. In certain situations or locations, this can add an extra layer of security.

How can I ensure that my Tesla is securely locked?

The Tesla mobile app lets you check whether your Tesla’s doors and windows are securely locked. In addition, if you are within range, you can physically check to see if the doors are locked by trying to open them.

What should I do if I encounter any issues with locking my Tesla?

In case you encounter any problems with locking your Tesla, such as malfunctioning door handles or issues with the mobile app, you should contact Tesla support for assistance. In case of troubleshooting, they can schedule an appointment or provide troubleshooting steps.

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