Apartments With EV Charging

There is a growing demand for convenient charging options, especially among apartment renters, as electric vehicles (EVs) become more prevalent. It is becoming increasingly common to find apartments with ev charging stations, providing a practical solution that combines eco-friendly transportation with urban living.

So what exactly do these apartments mean, and where can you find them?

This guide will explain what EV charging is, explain the benefits and drawbacks of having an electric car charging station in your apartment, and show you how to find an apartment that is right for you. This overview will guide you through the increasing popularity of apartments with electric car charging, whether you’re an EV owner or considering making the switch.

What Is Apartments with EV Charging?

Chargers for electric vehicles are installed within apartment complexes when they are available for use. Apartment electric vehicle charging stations offer renters exclusive access to charging stations right where they live, unlike public charging stations that can be found in parking garages, hotels, and shopping centers.

Apartments With EV Charging

The increasing ownership of electric vehicles has led to the development of new apartment developments featuring EV charging facilities as a standard amenity. To remain competitive in today’s eco-conscious market, landlords and property managers may also install EV chargers in existing properties. However, this isn’t a universal approach.

There may be landlords who are hesitant to invest in the necessary electrical upgrades or are concerned about its long-term maintenance and protection.

Types of EV Chargers

  • Level 1 Chargers: Chargers of this type can be plugged into a standard electrical outlet and are usually used for charging at home. However, although they are convenient and don’t require any additional setup, they do not charge very fast.
  • Level 2 Chargers: Level 2 chargers are a step above Level 1 chargers, and they require a dedicated circuit to work. These are often installed in commercial settings, but they are also an option at home with the right installation.
  • DC Fast Chargers: It is not feasible to install electric vehicle charging infrastructure in apartment complexes because of their high infrastructure costs.

Challenges: Apartment Building Power Supply vs EV Charging Load

It may seem strange that electric vehicle owners cannot simply install their own chargers on their own meters.

Our first observation was that almost every strata apartment building we examined did not have sufficient power supply for every parking space to be able to operate an EV charger without tripping the building’s power supply. The first couple of EV chargers may work just fine, but eventually you’re going to have to upgrade.

A majority of solutions will provide guidance to owners as to what type of charger they can install, how the cables are connected to the main switchboard, and how they are supposed to pay for electricity usage.

Apartments With EV Charging

Before granting permission for EV Charging to be installed in a strata building, strata buildings need to have a strategy and roadmap.

This eliminates the need to unwind existing installations or replace chargers at a later date, as well as ensuring that all owners have access to EV Charging infrastructure on an equal basis.

A parking space that already has power running to it, and each one with a power outlet, is typically powered from the building’s common property meter, so the whole building will share the cost of charging the vehicles.

Solutions for EV Charging in Apartments

There are a number of factors that affect the feasibility and costs of each solution, including the electrical infrastructure at the location, the design of the parking area, and the owners’ needs in terms of EV charging.

Visitor parking bays

You can install EV charging equipment in visitor parking bays at your strata apartment as a way to get started without committing to a longer-term solution.

It may be possible to embed some rules into the charging devices that limit the maximum charging time so that the equipment can be shared.

There is no doubt that this isn’t a long-term solution, but can buy some time for the building until a more permanent solution can be found.

Trickle charging only

Apartments With EV Charging

Charging an EV requires different amounts of power depending on the level of charging. Trickle charging (level 1) uses a regular 10 Amp power socket and is the slowest option.

Some residents have been able to install a trickle charger without risking an overload on the power supply because there is sufficient power supply capacity.

It is more likely that this solution will be available in smaller apartment buildings with fewer than ten parking spaces.

Load management systems

By bringing in a load management system, you can completely eliminate the risk of your building turning off the lights.

EV chargers can be controlled by the load management system so that they do not consume more power than the building can supply.

Several different solutions are available on the market, with varying capabilities and costs. The table below summarizes some options:

Pros of Apartments with Charging Stations

Having a clear understanding of living in an apartment that features electric car charging is essential if you own a vehicle that uses electricity.

Apartments With EV Charging


The ability to charge your electric vehicle at home is a game changer. You won’t have to pay for public charging stations anymore. With a dedicated spot at home, you simply park, plug in, and go.

It’s a seamless routine that makes living in an urban environment more convenient.

A convenient apartment isn’t the only option; it’s a sustainable option. A modern lifestyle perk that combines convenience with sustainability, right at your doorstep, is a modern lifestyle perk that isn’t just about charging your car. It’s more than just powering your car, it’s also about contributing to a greener future.

Cost Savings

You can significantly reduce the amount of money you spend on gas and electricity by staying in an apartment that offers free EV charging. This allows you to allocate more of your monthly budget towards other things. The financial relief of never having to pay extra fees every time your vehicle needs to be recharged makes a big difference in your life.

It’s also more sustainable to use an electric vehicle regularly when there are no charges associated with charging. Besides the economic benefits, complimentary charging also promotes a sustainable lifestyle. You’re not only being budget-savvy; you’re also contributing to a cleaner environment by making such an eco-conscious choice.

Easy Access

A growing number of apartment buildings offer on-site electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, but these are still extremely rare. Having an apartment with this amenity eliminates the hassle of finding public charging stations. This makes your living situation stand out as it offers a level of convenience that’s still relatively rare.

An on-site EV charging station reduces your daily stress levels in addition to providing immediate convenience. No more worrying about whether a public station is going to be open or if you have enough gas to get there. It’s peace of mind knowing you can always take advantage of your building’s dedicated charger, ensuring you’re always on the road.


Having EV charging stations in apartments allows you to be an environmental champion. Opting for electric vehicles with EV charging stations in apartments reduces air pollution and carbon emissions. As a greener tomorrow is closer than ever before, this sustainable choice lets you enjoy the convenience of charging your EV at home while contributing to a greener tomorrow.


An apartment that is equipped with charging stations provides an additional level of security. You can be assured that your electric vehicle is safe and secure when you park and charge it in a designated charging spot in your apartment complex. Your electric vehicle will be well cared for with EV charging at your apartment.

Cons of Apartments with Charging Stations

Before signing your next lease, take into account the advantages and disadvantages of EV-charging apartments.

Apartments With EV Charging

Limited Availability

Many apartment buildings aren’t adopting the EV lifestyle as quickly as drivers want, so you may not find many EV-friendly apartments. Once you find an EV-friendly apartment, you’ll probably discover there aren’t many chargers in the complex. There are only a few chargers in the complex, even if there are hundreds. It may be necessary to wait or devise a schedule to keep charging.

Additional Fees

Due to limited access to EV chargers, you may incur an additional cost, either as part of your lease or as an extra fee. EV charging may still be less expensive than conventional fuel, but you need to take into account all the possible costs.

Impact on Rent

EV charging stations might result in an increase in monthly rent prices if you choose an apartment that offers them. Despite the fact that these amenities are amazing, property management does not install or maintain them for free. A slight increase in the rent may reflect the added convenience.

While the rent might be higher due to the charging infrastructure, it is worth considering the bigger picture. You might be able to offset these costs by saving on public charging. To determine whether or not the extra rent aligns with your budget and lifestyle requirements, weigh the financial pros and cons.

Rules and Restrictions

The rules and restrictions concerning electric vehicle charging stations in apartment complexes might be regarded as a disadvantage by some renters. Limiting charging times or following particular schedules might be inconvenient for renters. Additionally, strict regulations may limit the availability of charging stations during busy times, which could cause frustration or difficulty for renters who heavily rely on their electric vehicles.

Compatibility Issues

It is possible that tenants may encounter compatibility issues with electric vehicle chargers at their apartments. In the evolving EV market, not all charging stations may be compatible with all electric vehicle models. The apartment complex’s chargers may not support specific electric vehicle models, which can be frustrating and inconvenient for renters.

Slower Charging

There is a larger range of renters in apartment buildings that have electric car chargers, though this does not mean that the chargers are up-to-date or top-of-the-line. You may find that charging stations are slow and cumbersome. Several residents may require charging at the same time, so there will likely be a long wait for everyone.

How much does it cost to install an EV charger in an apartment?

Installation costs for wall-mounted (level 2) electric vehicle chargers range from $700 to $3,000 just for the hardware. The charger’s connection to the electric grid will determine the cost.

Some considerations that impact costing:

  • Does the charger require a free-standing solution or can it be mounted on the wall?
  • Can vehicles be prevented from reversing into the charger by installing a bollard?
  • To connect to the main switchboard or closest subdistribution board, how far must a cable travel?
  • The cable must pass underground, so will trenching be required?

What are the voting and strata requirements for EV charging decisions?

Changes to common property (such as installing electric vehicle chargers in parking areas) are typically subject to specific voting procedures under strata legislation.

It is generally required that no more than 25% of the votes (based on unit entitlement set forth in the strata plan) oppose a special resolution in most states.

There is only a 50% requirement for the motion to pass in NSW when it is related to EV charging infrastructure. Motions related to EV charging infrastructure are classified as ‘sustainability upgrades’ in NSW.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you install an EV charger in an apartment?

There are various factors that determine whether an EV charger can be installed in an apartment, such as building regulations, parking availability, electrical infrastructure, and landlord permission. Residents may be allowed to install their own chargers in apartments with proper approval, while others may have designated EV charging stations in their parking lots.

Can I have an electric car in a flat?

The availability of charging infrastructure, parking facilities, and landlord or building management policies are among the factors that will determine whether or not you can have an electric car in your flat. A few flats already have charging facilities, while others may require residents to install their own chargers, subject to permissions.

Can EV cars be charged at home?

You can charge your EV at home using residential charging stations. This is one of the most convenient and cost-effective ways to charge your EV, as it allows you to recharge your vehicle overnight while it’s parked in your garage or driveway. You can either use a standard wall outlet or install a dedicated EV charging station for faster charging speeds.

Which types of electric vehicle charging are typically available in residential locations?

Residents typically have access to Level 1 and Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations.

Level 1 Charging:

A standard household 120-volt outlet can be used to charge your EV. This is the slowest charging option, but it can be convenient to charge overnight.

Level 2 Charging:

A 240-volt circuit and charging station are needed for Level 2 charging, which is faster than Level 1. Level 2 charging provides quicker recharge times for electric vehicles.

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