CCS EV charging

As with CHAdeMO charging, CCS ev charging gives your car a quick boost at a faster rate than standard chargers. It is one of the rapid charging connector options for electric vehicles (EVs), Known as the fastest charging connector in Europe and North America( also known as J Plug), it can charge your phone in just seconds.

As well as offering higher power, it also allows for larger, ultra-rapid chargers to be plugged into the car.

CCS plugs are really just fancier versions of Type 2 plugs, making them ideal for charging electric vehicles.

Why is it called CCS?

Combined Charging System (CCS) refers to another way to charge, using a Type 2 connector with two additional DC lines. Through these lines, the power can be run at higher voltages than the standard connectors.

There are two extra connector holes on a CCS connector like on a Type 2 connector. The CCS plug uses the bottom two holes on the connector, which are free when using a Type 2 charger.


There are two types of chargers: CCS and CHAdeMO. As a result, the charger itself contains a converter, which enables power to be fed directly into the car’s battery, as opposed to AC chargers, which send AC power to an onboard vehicle charger, which then converts it to DC.


The CCS connector is more universal: it offers AC/DC charging through the same port, while CHAdeMO requires an additional connection. Without the adapter, CHAdeMO cannot facilitate Type 1 or Type 2 charging.

How do you use a CCS connector?

It’s as simple as plugging in a CCS connector. The charging unit will usually include instructions to help you with the details, but it’s a simple process you’ll get used to. Just park safely near the charging point and plug in.

Using online tools and apps, you can also find CCS connectors in your area, which is ideal for planning longer journeys that will benefit from this technology.

Upon plugging the CCS connector into your device and starting the charging process, the connector will lock into place until the charging has finished.

How fast are CCS connectors?

There are a range of power ratings for CCS connectors, usually between 50 and 350kW. Using just 50kW, the connector’s lowest output but most popular, you can expect to charge a 60kWh battery by 75 miles in just 30 minutes (based on this example).

Right now, there are few 350kW connectors available, but they can charge up to 525 miles in 30 minutes, compared with 150kW sets that charge 225 miles.

The Type 2 AC connector, on the other hand, can provide 7kW from a single-phase power supply, It can extend a 60kW battery’s range by almost 25 miles in an hour.

The CCS charging system is much faster than a standard charger and will help you charge your battery in a much shorter amount of time.

Is CCS charging bad for your EV?

Charging your electric car with CCS isn’t directly detrimental to it, and it’s a great way to boost the performance, but too much rapid charging can lead to battery damage.

If you use a fast charger frequently, you might want to reserve it for times when it’s really needed, and use a standard charger overnight when you don’t need rapid charging.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CCS in EV charging?

The Combined Charging System (CCS) combines AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) charging capabilities for electric vehicles (EVs). With CCS, you can charge AC with the Type 2 connector and use high-speed DC charging with two additional pins. This makes charging faster and more flexible.

Is CCS faster than Type 2?

Generally, CCS charging is faster than Type 2. Type 2 connectors are used for AC charging and can typically deliver power up to 22 kW (or 43 kW in some cases), while CCS chargers can handle much higher power levels when it comes to DC charging. As opposed to Type 2 AC charging, CCS delivers up to 350 kW of power, significantly reducing charging times.

What is the difference between CCS 1 and CCS 2?

It is the regional compatibility and physical design of CCS 1 and CCS 2 that distinguish them from each other:

CCS 1: 

Mostly used in North America and South Korea, it features two additional DC pins for fast charging in addition to the Type 1 connector (SAE J1772).

CCS 2: 

CCS 2 uses two more DC pins than CCS 1 and supports both single-phase and three-phase AC charging, which makes it more versatile than CCS 1. The Type 2 connector (IEC 62196) is the standard throughout Europe and other regions.

Can a Type 2 charger use CCS?

CCS cannot be used by a Type 2 charger, but it can be used for AC charging in a vehicle equipped with one. In addition to the Type 2 AC charging connector on the vehicle, a CCS-equipped vehicle has additional pins for DC fast charging. This means the vehicle can be connected to both the Type 2 AC charger and the CCS DC fast charger.

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