EV software development

A growing number of people are switching to electric vehicles (EVs) as a less fuel-consuming and more environmentally friendly alternative to diesel and fuel-powered cars. Its broad definition includes vehicles powered by electrical engines, either completely or partially.

We will discuss BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles), or fully electric cars, in this article. For simplicity, we’ll use the term “EV” throughout.

As important as batteries are to EV development, they aren’t the only factor. In the ongoing digital revolution, the concept of a so-called “software-defined vehicle” has emerged, in which a vehicle’s functionality is primarily determined by its software system and the applications it contains.

The quality of the digital structure of any electric vehicle depends heavily on the quality of its software. From managing the battery to controlling the car’s various systems, software is a crucial part of any electric vehicle today. Our article explores the challenges, trends, and future of electric EV software development.

EV vs internal combustion cars


BEVs (battery electric vehicles) differ from internal combustion engines (ICEs) in their construction. Electric cars have the following components:

  • a battery;
  • an electric engine;
  • the motor controller;
  • the drive system;
  • the braking system.

EVs have fewer components than ICEs, which means they are easier to maintain. As a result, they also consume less energy because they use regenerative braking systems, which store kinetic energy when the car brakes. When the car is sitting still, the engine automatically shuts off.

Electric vehicles also have a kinder environmental impact. Electric engines emit little or no emissions, so they’re popular among governments. In February 2023, the European Parliament approved a bill prohibiting the sale of ICE vehicles from 2035 onwards.  


There are, however, several concerns about electric cars, including their limited range and the lack of charging infrastructure. On average, EVs can travel 183 kilometres on one charge. With age, that range only gets worse. On the other hand, ICE vehicles can travel anywhere from 320 to 640 kilometers on a single tank. However, certain battery-powered vehicles can reach a distance of 600 kilometers. 

It is also possible to argue that electric vehicles have environmental benefits. As much as, or even more, emissions are caused by lithium batteries, which are used to power them. The emissions produced by electric vehicle charging stations are no different from those created by gasoline stations.

Despite the obvious drawbacks, the general industry consensus is optimistic about EVs as a means of preserving the environment in the future.

Here is a comparison table for Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles:

FeatureElectric Vehicles (EVs)Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicles
Power SourceBattery-powered electric motorInternal combustion engine using gasoline/diesel
Fuel EfficiencyHigher efficiency (80-90%)Lower efficiency (20-30%) due to heat loss
EmissionsZero tailpipe emissions, lower lifecycle emissionsSignificant CO2 emissions and air pollutants
Operating CostLower (electricity cheaper than gasoline/diesel)Higher (frequent refueling, oil changes, and maintenance)
MaintenanceLower maintenance (fewer moving parts, no oil changes)Higher maintenance (engine parts, oil, and filter changes)
Range150-400 miles per charge (varies by model and conditions)300-500 miles per tank of gas
Refueling/Recharging Time30 min to 12 hours (fast vs. slow charging)5-10 minutes to refuel at a gas station
AccelerationFaster acceleration due to instant torqueSlower, with delayed torque from the engine
Noise LevelQuieter (electric motors make less noise)Louder (engine and exhaust noise)
Initial Purchase CostTypically higher upfront costLower initial cost, with a variety of affordable models
Government IncentivesEligible for tax rebates and incentives in many countriesFew or no incentives in most countries
Environmental ImpactLower, especially if charged with renewable energyHigher, due to fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions
Infrastructure AvailabilityLimited charging stations (though rapidly expanding)Widespread availability of gas stations
Resale ValueHigher depreciation but improving as technology advancesMore stable resale value for well-maintained models


What is electric vehicle software?

Electric vehicles are controlled by software, which controls their essential functions. Most electric vehicle software is developed by specialized software companies (or by companies that develop automotive software in general) and distributed by manufacturers.

Software for electric vehicles can be updated via special cables in a workshop or over-the-air (OTA). Over-the-air updates have become increasingly popular, as they are safer, more convenient, and easier to manage. As vehicles continue to contain more software components, this is particularly relevant.  

Electric vehicle software types

Software for electric vehicles can be categorized into six types.

Digital cockpit

As electric vehicles mature, they are essentially becoming their own computers. In order to keep up with this development, automakers are developing digital cockpit software that simulates a computerized driving experience. 

A digital dashboard displays most of the vehicle’s metrics and allows for various comfort functions (media, entertainment, seat position, etc.) to be managed without any physical controls.

Autopilot technology can also replace traditional components such as steering wheels and gearboxes. If you are interested in seeing what such a system can do, consider taking a look at our HMI design project for Rinspeed.

Mobility solutions

There are a variety of connected car mobility solutions available that can enhance the driving experience. The car is able to connect to the city’s infrastructure so that: 

  • Track traffic conditions and receive alerts;
  • Maintain an eye on the road condition;
  • Notify in case of an emergency;
  • Maintenance schedules;
  • Provide automatic functions

It is possible to build such features into the vehicle by default or to offer them as a SaaS subscription platform (for example).

Self-driving cars software

As EV systems continue to advance, self-driving software is an increasingly important component. Lucid and Tesla are just two companies adding this functionality. However, concern is still evident about how it will affect EV systems. 

Autonomous vehicles are still a ways from becoming mainstream due to a wide range of safety and legal challenges. However, as these problems are ironed out, you can expect to see far more self-driving cars on the road in the years ahead.

Digital twins

Virtual prototypes, or digital twins, simulate the complex interactions between software and electromechanical EV components. In addition to saving time and money, it reduces the environmental impact of development by reducing waste and energy consumption. They allow engineers to develop and test EVs without the need for costly physical testing.

Fleet management

There are a number of features available in electric vehicle fleet management software for organizations that lease multiple electric vehicles for a variety of purposes (carsharing, transportation, delivery, etc.). These include:

  • A monitoring system for safety;
  • Keeping an eye on charge levels;
  • Reports on charges;
  • Integration of cloud services;
  • Providing support and maintenance;
  • Taking a route

A fleet management system can significantly reduce operating costs while simultaneously improving customer satisfaction.

EV charging software

Software of this type helps electric vehicle owners monitor their vehicle’s charge level and activities. It provides a map of the global electric grid so that the closest charging station can be identified.

Current trends in eV software development

There has been no shortage of disruptions in the economy and industrial sector, but electrical vehicle sales have reached another record high in 2022. According to IEA, electric vehicle sales exceeded 10 million last year, up 55% from 2021. Therefore, there is an increase in software and hardware sales related to electric vehicles.

AI & Machine Learning

A new industry standard is rapidly taking shape with software-defined vehicles, which can be continually improved through OTA updates. 

To achieve higher levels of autonomous driving, customisation, environmental analysis, and driver behaviour analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning need to be integrated. Using the technology can also lead to better route planning and battery management, reducing emissions and spending. 

Big data

Various different ways can be used to analyze the data collected by smart automotive systems. EV manufacturers, on the other hand, will offer drivers a more satisfying and personalised driving experience. In the first instance, big data companies and governments may be able to improve driving conditions and infrastructure. 

However, there is certainly no doubt that sharing personal data is a contentious issue for many. The Deloitte 2023 Global Automotive Consumer Study did show that most consumers would consent to sharing personal information if it meant accessing updates, alerts, and the above-mentioned features. While data privacy issues are still prominent across the globe, the industry needs to tread carefully.

V2G connectivity

EVs can use V2G technology to connect to the power grid, which allows them to charge their batteries by receiving electrical signals from a variety of places, such as nearby energy consumption. They can also transfer a portion of their charge to the grid, so the grid will keep running.

Any unused electricity will continue to flow through the grid, powering other nearby utilities, so this is a very effective way to conserve energy. By providing charging incentives to drivers to encourage the system’s growth, fleet owners and network operators can reduce operating costs. It’s a very environmentally friendly practice that reduces operational costs.

It is possible for administrators to employ V2G software to make electricity distribution more efficient, to optimize charging sessions, and to suggest the best charging times to users by using the software.

EV software development challenges

It’s important that the software is not only top-quality, but also carefully managed. This makes developing software for electric vehicles a challenging process that’s made more difficult by a variety of industry-specific factors.

Aimee Howard, a quality assessor at Aerospheres, a company that repairs and overhauls commercial aircraft, says

“Software issues may delay widespread adoption of electric vehicles. As a result of continuous software updates, there have already been catastrophic faults caused while electric vehicles are being driven or even charged.”

Those are just the highlights. Let’s take a closer look at what the most prominent issues are and how the industry is addressing them.

Battery management system

There remains a significant challenge for car owners who do not have off-street parking or journey planning access due to the lack of interoperability among different EV battery management systems. Due to the varying protocols, device management, transaction handling, security, and smart charging functionalities vary.

The issue has been addressed through the introduction of new protocols such as the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) and ISO 15118 communication standards. In order to enhance compatibility between chargers and management systems, it will be necessary for all stakeholders to work together on an ongoing basis.

Powertrain control

Electric vehicles have a powertrain, which is their propulsion system. In contrast to ICE engines, EV engines do not emit toxic air pollutants. Therefore, they require more safety precautions, including correct fixturing, handling, and high voltage training. EV powertrain software also needs to be carefully designed.

Especially as hardware gets more complex, powertrain control systems need powerful heterogeneous multicore processors. These processors aren’t always available, so automotive developers have to deliver fast processing and scalability under harsh hardware constraints more often than not. 

It would be beneficial if the software itself became more flexible. A versatile operating system and adaptable software architecture would contribute to meeting the safety and efficacy demands of modern powertrains.

User interface and infotainment system

The user interface and informationtainment systems for electric vehicles present unique challenges. First and foremost, safety must be considered. The interface should not be too distracting or too far away from the driver’s line of sight. This requires careful placement and size of controls and displays. In addition to voice and gesture controls, designers can reduce clutter using voice and gesture controls.

The system must also be user-friendly and compliant with the EV market standards, which requires both competent UX/UI designers and expert knowledge of automotive design guidelines. We will not accept unusual button placements or unique symbols.

Aside from smart mobility solutions and connectivity with external devices such as smartphones, wearables, and home automation systems, the design process is further complicated by the integration and connectivity of smart mobility solutions.


Electric vehicles are becoming more autonomous and connected, which means strong cybersecurity measures are also needed. EVs are more likely to be attacked as more software and sensors are integrated into them.

An EV software attack could cause gridlock in entire cities, says Melanie Musson, an EV expert at Auto-insurance. “[Attachers] could gain control of vehicles or disrupt communications between vehicles in an autonomous electric vehicle world,” she says.

“Hackers are ingenious and resourceful, so staying one step ahead is always a challenge.”ween vehicles in an autonomous EV world,” she says.

Hackers are ingenious and resourceful, and it’s a constant challenge to stay one step ahead.”

It is essential that security protocols are continuously monitored and updated in order to mitigate cybersecurity risks associated with EVs. Standards such as ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE WP.29 R155 have been established to deal with EV cybersecurity in various situations as ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE WP.29 R155

Standards compliance

It has already been noted that each component of automotive software, whether it is the design or security protocols, must adhere to regulations made by the industry. Examples include:

  • The ISO 21434 standard, which deals with cybersecurity;
  • Functional safety is guaranteed by ISO 26262;
  • UL 4600, which regulates security and reliability in autonomous vehicles;
  • The AUTOSAR project, which standardizes embedded software;
  • C/C++ embedded code security is ensured by the MISRA;
  • and much more.

Since there are so many regulations, the creation of EV software requires a high level of expertise (such as consulting or teams with specialized automotive experience). 

Testing and validation importance

EV systems and software may be complex, and rigorous testing and validation is essential to ensure safety and reliability. Testing processes include various validation levels, from unit and integration testing to system and acceptance testing. 

Most often, developers turn to emulation, or the simulation of actual vehicles for every test. This is quite challenging, since certain vehicles have challenging hardware that require a lot of workarounds.  

During the development of the IVO app, Andrey Nerezko informed us about the team’s experience with emulation:

“We had to use a Raspberry Pi4 with a 10-inch display running AAOS 11. Installing the system on both devices took some work, but in the end, it was a success. Finally, to emulate a CAN-bus, the engineers have combined a Raspberry 3 tablet and a CAN board into a single system with some additional coding.”

A well-designed test and validation process will ensure the software runs reliably in any condition. This in turn will reduce the chances of life-threatening safety hazards and costly recalls in the future.

Electric vehicle software future

Let’s take a look at some upcoming trends in the electric vehicle industry, since electric vehicle companies are steadily gaining market share.

Emerging technologies

Considering the current boom in AI technologies, driver assistance systems are likely to advance dramatically over the next few years. The application of artificial intelligence to environmental and behavioral analysis will also improve radically, giving drivers more awareness and safety.

As we discussed previously, vehicle-to-grid technology is likely to become more popular in the upcoming years. Grid technology and software solutions that communicate with the grid will enable drivers to reduce their energy consumption.

The availability of connectivity will greatly expand, particularly now that 5G is becoming more widespread. It will soon be the norm for cars to connect to city infrastructure. A broader application of connectivity with smart homes and portable devices will also be evident in the future.

Government regulations and standards

There will be more incentives for electric vehicle adoption from governments in the future. The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a number of rules that would require EVs to number 30%-60% of new cars sold in the United States by 2032.

It is also a requirement that automakers and developers be prepared to regularly patch vulnerabilities as new cyber threats emerge. This must be done through the adoption of tighter regulations on the security of EV software.

Advancements in battery technology

An industry that is constantly developing battery technologies in order to ensure that EVs achieve better ranges, charging speeds, performance, reliability, and safety has been compared to a modern-day gold rush.

Here are a few of these advancements:

  • The development of hybrid EV batteries that use conventional batteries as well as ultracapacitors for fast charging;
  • High-capacity lithium-ion batteries with fire resistance;
  • Developing alternative battery structures (for example, IBM and Mercedes-Benz collaborate on developing batteries based on seawater materials).

It is imperative that software components keep up with these new developments. Developers will need to offer systems that are secure, reliable, and make the most of the improvements in hardware. 

Increased focus on cybersecurity

Cyber threats remain a major concern in today’s increasingly digital world. Smart cars produce hundreds of gigabytes of data each year, and that number is expected to double within the next few years.

It is natural for hackers and other malicious entities to be attracted to this massive amount of valuable information. Providing solutions that go far and beyond to secure personal information and vehicle controls will require automotive software developers to become increasingly aware of every possible vulnerability in their programming.


EV software development has become more intricate than ever as technology has advanced and the demand for electric cars has grown. Several new trends are enhancing safety and quality of the driving experience in the automotive industry, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, IoT, V2G connectivity, and digital cockpits. 

A number of challenges, however, must also be overcome, including cybersecurity threats, hardware compatibility, and rigorous testing and validation. Despite these challenges, the future of electric vehicle software development looks promising. To meet modern demands, researchers and engineers continue to work on developing better and more efficient electric vehicle batteries and software.

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