Are Tesla Car Windows Tinted

The most popular and simplest method for modifying vehicles is window tinting. Besides enhancing the vehicle’s exterior aesthetics, it also provides additional privacy for passengers and enhances its safety.

What are the benefits of window tinting, if it is such a popular mod?

Is there a reason why premium electric models like Tesla don’t use it more often?

The benefits of dark window tinting might even extend to preserving the battery power of electric cars. Yet you rarely see window tinting on Tesla models. 

As part of the standard setup, Tesla Model 3 vehicles come with tinted glass roofs. Moreover, the latest models seem to feature some degree of tinting in the rear windows, but not a very strong amount? The purpose of today’s blog is to look at Are Tesla Car Windows Tinted.

What is Window Tinting?

As you will see in the next section about tinting laws, Tesla doesn’t favor window tinting. Before we get started, let’s clarify what exactly window tinting is. An application of window tinting protects the window interior from UV, infrared, and other harmful rays from the sun’s rays by attaching a special film.

Are Tesla Car Windows Tinted

There is a wide range of quality and style available in tinting film. Darkness makes a significant difference in how much light can pass through each type. Tinting percentages are simply numbers that represent this. Light passes through the glass more easily at higher percentages. The following are some examples: 

  • 100 percent – this is transparent and all light is getting through 
  • 85 percent – most of the light is still getting through
  • 35 percent – quite dark and most light is filtered out
  • 5 percent – extremely dark and almost no light is getting through

Filtering out more light means filtering out more harmful material, as well, and the interior of the car will be darker and cooler. However, selecting a tint level and applying it to your vehicle isn’t as simple as it seems.

For a variety of reasons, virtually no country nor state in the US allows cars to have their windows tinted without following certain rules.

Window Tinting Rules in the US

Window tinting is a large industry in the US, with a market value estimated at $1.45 billion in 2019, expected to reach $1.68 billion by 2027. Furthermore, tinting percentages, as well as what windows can and cannot be tinted, are quite strictly regulated.

Are Tesla Car Windows Tinted

There are tinting restrictions in all 50 states, and you can find a comprehensive list here. This list includes the percentage of tint allowed on which windows, the amount of reflectivity allowed, and any other rules.

In New Hampshire, only 35 percent of tinting is allowed on rear windows. The front side windows are not allowed to be tinted at all. It is only permitted to tint the front and rear sides of windows up to 70% in New York.

Why Have Tinting Laws At All?

Tesla leaves tinting mostly to the aftermarket, given the different requirements in each state. Adding custom window tinting to their production schedule will only slow it down further.

Is it even necessary to have these laws? Several factors contribute to this:

Road Safety

As a result of window tinting, visibility is reduced inside the cabin. In the same way that you can see through a pair of sunglasses, you could still see through dark tinted windshields and front windows, but it would be like driving in bad lights all the time, even though your car’s headlights wouldn’t matter.

Visibility from Outside

A police officer cannot see into your car if you have your windows closed so far that he can’t see anything in the car. Privacy is one thing, but it is not lawful for your windows to be so closed you can’t see anything in the car.

Are Tesla Car Windows Tinted

Infractions such as talking on the phone, eating, and drinking while driving, should be visible to law enforcement officers, but reflective tinting from the outside would make it difficult to do so.

Is Car Tinting Worth It?

Is Car Tinting Worth It

Should you spend even more money to tint the windows of your new Tesla after spending so much on it? As a result, even though car window tinting is expensive and time-consuming, the benefits are very evident:

Benefit 1: Improved Interior Environment

By tinting your car’s windows, you’re reducing the amount of UV and infrared rays entering the car, which makes the interior cooler and safer. A constant exposure to the sun is harmful to children and even adults with fair skin. Tinting can help keep the sun’s rays away from harmful substances.

Benefit 2: Improved EV Performance

Your car’s air conditioning has to do less work to keep the interior cool if your windows block heat and UV radiation. Battery power is preserved, allowing longer range to be achieved.

Benefit 3: Better Protection for the Interior

Sunlight’s UV and infrared rays are not just dangerous for people inside cars. Sun damage can also be caused by your car’s dashboard and upholstery. It is possible for cloth upholstery to discolor, and leather upholstery to dry and crack. It is also possible for the dashboard to crack if it is exposed to intense sunlight for long periods of time.

Benefit 4: Increased Comfort and Privacy

Are Tesla Car Windows Tinted

The back seats are also more comfortable and provide a greater sense of privacy, which is useful on long drives. Despite not being one-way, the glass obscures enough that a passing glance cannot determine what’s happening inside. As well as keeping out the sun’s glare, it prevents glare-induced headaches and stress for passengers watching screens on long journeys.

Frequently Asked Question

Why don’t people tint Teslas?

There are several reasons why Teslas are less likely to be tinted:

1. Complex Windows:

Due to Tesla’s windows’ intricate designs and curved shapes, tinting them without damaging them is challenging.

2. Infrared Reflective Coating:

Infrared reflective coatings are available on some Tesla models, reducing the need to tint the windows separately.

3. Potential Interference:

In addition to interfering with Tesla’s Autopilot, tinting can also impair other safety features.

How much does it cost to tint Tesla Model 3 windows?

Depending on factors like film quality, installer expertise, and region, Tesla Model 3 window tinting costs can vary. A Tesla Model 3’s windows can be tinted for an average of $200 to $600, with ceramic tints being more expensive.

Do Tesla windows have UV protection?

There is some UV protection provided by Tesla windows, but additional tinting can enhance it. Besides reducing UV radiation entering the vehicle, factory windows provide UV filtering, but aftermarket tinting can also offer thermal and UV blocking benefits.

Does the Tesla roof have a tint?

There is an infrared and UV protection glass roof on Tesla vehicles, including the Model 3. Even though the roof itself isn’t tinted in the traditional sense, the glass can be tinted to reduce interior heat and UV exposure.


Overall, it’s a worthwhile investment, whether it’s a Tesla Model 3 or another Tesla vehicle. Be sure to apply tint in accordance with the law and that your tint won’t interfere with any of the Tesla’s sensors or cameras. To ensure that the job is done properly, only hire reputable and experienced applicators.

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