EV Charging Infrastructure

The government, business, and other stakeholders must collaborate to support electric vehicle mass adoption as our society transitions to a cleaner and more modern electric future. An electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and widespread availability of EV charging stations and CCS ev charging are key to the transition to a carbon-free energy system by 2050.

EV Charging Infrastructure Importance

Electric vehicles, including battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), require charging stations if consumers and fleet operators are to consider adopting them.

In spite of the fact that the majority of EVs are charged at home, this figure will shift as EV ownership grows to those who can’t install a charger at home, such as those living in multifamily buildings and/or on-street parking.

Why EV Charging Infrastructure Matters

Among consumers, charging logistics (61%) and range (55%) were the top two barriers to buying or leasing an electric vehicle, according to the 2022 Consumer Report survey. Our electrification goals will be achieved if we have drivers who feel comfortable charging their EVs no matter where they are. Range is the number of miles a vehicle can travel after it has been charged for the first time.

According to a 2023 Autolist survey, consumers’ top three concerns about purchasing an EV are range (39%), charging logistics (33%), and overall cost (42%). According to the Autolist report, electric vehicles are not as affordable for consumers making under $30,000 because of the infrastructure requirements. Only a third of respondents who earn under $30,000 said there was charging for EVs in their area.

There is concern about the EV charging infrastructure forecast in light of that news.

Electric vehicles are projected to be on U.S. roads by the end of 2030, from 2.4 million in 2021 to 26.4 million in 2030, according to the Edison Electric Institute’s 2022 report. The report predicted that more than 10 percent of the 259 million U.S. vehicles would be electric by 2030.

The forecast indicates that 12.9 million charge ports and approximately 140,000 DC fast charging (DCFC) ports will be needed across the US by 2030 in order to support the expected number of electric vehicles on the road.

According to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the nation currently has far less charging stations than that number. According to the most recent count by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, there are 161,562 public and private EV charging ports, while studies estimate there are only 6,409 DCFC stations.

There is more to charging scarcity than just hurting adoption rates. It is preventing low-income families from participating in the clean energy transition as a whole.

As low-income individuals need vehicles most, EV adoption is crucial to reducing car ownership costs. Public chargers are an essential component of widespread EV adoption.

Charging stations in public places help EVs gain traction by offering a variety of charging opportunities, allowing equitable access, and providing convenience and ease of use.

Charging stations in public places are an important component for the acceptance of EVs as a transport vehicle.

  • Range Anxiety — Electric vehicle drivers must have the assurance that they can charge their vehicles easily along popular travel routes in order to get to their destinations without running out of battery power.
  • Long Waits — It is extremely frustrating when electric vehicle drivers must wait hours to recharge their vehicles. Long waiting times can also cause a bottleneck at charging stations. Fast charging DCFC stations are essential for widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

Types of EV Charging Infrastructure

A charging station for electric vehicles can be a wall-mounted unit or a freestanding unit, referred to as an electric recharging point (ECS) or electronic charging station (ECS). There are two main types of electric vehicle charging infrastructure — fast direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC), which are categorized according to their charging level:

Level 1 Charging

It involves a standard household electrical outlet, usually a 120-volt AC power source, to charge electric vehicles at Level 1, the slowest and simplest method. PHEVs (from empty) can be fully charged in 5 to 6 hours, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Level 2 Charging

It is a faster and more powerful way of charging your electric vehicle with 240-volt AC power. Level 2 chargers are available for both residential and commercial uses. BEVs can be fully charged with Level 2 charging for about 4-10 hours and PHEVs can be fully charged in just 1-2 hours (from empty) with a range of 7-20 kilowatts (kW). Level 2 chargers, also known as SAE J1772, are compatible with every electric vehicle currently on the road today.

Level 3 / DC Fast Charging

DC fast charging (DCFC), also called level 3 charging, is the quickest and most powerful way to charge electric vehicles. In addition to providing an electric vehicle’s battery with a high-voltage, high-current DC power supply, it also has a range of up to 350 kW.

Level 3 DCFC chargers do not work with all electric vehicles, and DCFC stations must be installed by professionals. Superchargers, CHAdeMO stations, and Combo Combined Charging Systems (CCS) are current Level 3 charging standards.

DCFC stations at Level 3 have more charging ports and can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per station, which makes them significantly more expensive than DCFC stations at Level 2.

Level 2 charging stations can have multiple charging ports. Tesla charging stations use their own NACS type connector, while most other level 2 chargers use a standard J1772 plug. Many OEMs have partnered with Tesla to adopt the NACs standard (which is undergoing development into the J3400 standard), although the majority of DCFC stations that aren’t Tesla use CCS or CHAdeMO.

U.S. Department of Transportation Overview of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Charge LevelLocationsBEV Time to Charge from emptyPHEV Time to Charge from emptyEstimated Electric Range per Hour of Charging
Level 1Home (single & multi-family)40-50 hours5-6 hours2-5 miles
Level 2Home, Workplace, and Public4-10 Hours1-2 hours10-20 miles
Level 3 DCFCPublic DC Fast Charging20 minutes-1 hourN/A180-240 miles

EV batteries can be charged wirelessly or inductively using electromagnetic induction without cables with this technology.

A wireless charger is currently not included with any electric vehicles, and no public wireless chargers exist yet. Inductive charging is an aftermarket addition to your EV and your home.

Public charging sites, such as municipal lots, are sometimes provided by electric utilities. Nevertheless, utilities may not own charging stations in certain areas. Instead, public charging stations are owned by charge point operators or network operators.

In addition to hotels, restaurants, and shopping centers, private companies can also provide charging stations in parking lots. 

There may be some stations that are free, whereas others may require a key fob. Several paid stations require electronic payments, while others charge by the kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy transferred to the car’s battery, while others charge by the minute. Most stations require electronic payments using a credit card or digital wallet.

As a general rule, the session fee will exceed the cost of home charging, which is estimated at 15.04 cents per kWh, according to the EIA.

Benefits of Electric car Charging Infrastructure

Infrastructure investments in electric vehicles will have numerous benefits for consumers and communities.

Loans and grants are available from the government for EV infrastructure development, which can reduce the costs of development. Incentives will be provided to companies that invest in domestic EV charging components through the construction and maintenance of charging stations and sites. Find out more about federal funding for electric vehicle infrastructure on the U.S. Department of Transportation’s website.

Attractions and businesses in the community are supported by carefully placed EV chargers. This helps EV drivers get more out of refueling stops and encourages them to visit stores, restaurants, parks, and other attractions within the community.

Support and Promote EV Benefits

We can capitalize on all the larger benefits of reducing ICE emissions with the appropriate infrastructure.

Public health benefits

Electric vehicles are able to reduce air pollution around homes and businesses, improving the health of the public.

Lower greenhouse gas emissions

It is possible to contribute to positive impacts on climate change by switching from ICE vehicles and achieving national emissions reduction goals by switching from ICE vehicles.

Improved Driving Experience

An electric vehicle charging infrastructure that is properly implemented and managed can provide drivers with a reliable and convenient experience that serves their fast charging needs and allows them to commute with minimal stress and inconvenience.

Charging Infrastructure Deployment Requirements

A robust and effective fast charging infrastructure will be needed to support the public fast charging requirements. EV charging deployment must take usage, costs, infrastructure requirements, and location into consideration.

Usage requirements to consider:

Diverse Payment Structures

Subscription plans, mobile apps, RFID cards, and credit cards should be compatible with the charging infrastructure. It is also important to keep payment structures simple and straightforward so that users don’t get confused.

Data Collection

For charging network optimization, charging stations need to collect data to monitor usage patterns, track performance, and gain insight into user behavior.


Installing charging stations in areas with convenient parking is less expensive if they are close to existing electrical services. Installing the stations is more expensive if they are further away from the electrical infrastructure. In order to provide equitable public charging at commercial locations and travel hubs, it is necessary to provide convenience to drivers who cannot charge at home.

Signage Requirements

The location of charging stations and charging points should be clearly marked with clear and standardized signage.

Cost considerations

Equipment: There will be a wide range of costs associated with new and replacement equipment, depending on the charging station’s location and level, how many charging stations there are, and the electrical capacity upgrade.


A charging station installation cost depends on factors such as the number and type, the location, labor, distance from existing electrical infrastructure, and permitting requirements. The installation cost also includes conduit, wiring, and mounting equipment, as well as any electrical upgrades that will be required to accommodate current and future charging requirements.


The charging infrastructure must be networked so data, such as usage frequency information, can be sent between the host and the network service provider. Networked charging stations must be connected via a wireless or wired internet connection to the network services provider.

Compliance, Permitting, and Inspection

Certification requirements include proper testing with a certified testing body, which a manufacturer needs to comply with.

Electricity Costs

It can become expensive to operate charging stations due to the demand charge and energy use. As an example, a commercial location whose peak demand is 350 kW would have an additional $7,000 in demand charges if the demand charge is $20 per kilowatt.

Maintenance and Warranty Costs

Parts and equipment should be regularly inspected, repaired, and replaced as part of the general maintenance for charging infrastructure.

Insurance Costs

In the event that a charging station is installed on a business property, insurance coverage may be required.

General infrastructure considerations:


Electrical installation as well as safety and standard requirements will need to be met by EV charging stations at local and national levels.


To ensure safe operation for both users and the electrical grid, charging stations must meet or exceed established safety standards.


To reduce charging time and minimize energy loss, station designs will need to be optimized for efficiency.

Location considerations

Depending on where you live, charging station locations differ. Rural drivers have different needs than urban drivers:

The distance between DCFC stations will be much greater for rural drivers because they drive longer distances and have home chargers. Charging sites will need to be strategically located.

There is a greater need for public charging stations in urban areas since the majority of drivers live in multifamily housing or apartment complexes where there are no home chargers.

Equitable Access

All communities – especially low-income and underserved ones – should have access to EV charging stations. For example, smaller, rural communities should have charging stations nearby, and major cities should have enough public charging stations.

Community Need

There are several factors that should be considered when placing charging stations, including the type of EVs that will be served at each location, the travel patterns of the area, and the expected charging time of the EVs.


It will be necessary to take into account the limitations of battery performance and electric vehicle range during the winter, as well as providing protection from the elements while an electric vehicle is charging, in colder regions.

Fleet Usage

Providing fast or ultra-fast charging is important to make regional and long-haul electric trucks and buses technically and economically viable. Charging sites will also need to consider how to accommodate heavy-duty electric trucks and buses.

It may be necessary to schedule slow charging during off-shift periods, such as at night or during other longer downtime periods.

Challenges Associated with EV Charging Infrastructure

It won’t be easy for U.S. investors and developers to meet all of the EV infrastructure requirements. A number of barriers must be overcome such that the U.S. can meet projected 2030 demand for EVs.

There are many challenges associated with EV charging infrastructure, including easy and equitable access. Nearly 50,000 electric vehicle charging stations are currently operating in the U.S., but only 17 percent of them are located on non-urban roads (such as highways and arterials).

According to the International Energy Agency, about eight percent of U.S. residents live more than six miles from public charging stations.

U.S. map of ev charging stations across the country by area

A tool from the Department of Energy, the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Projection Tool (EVI-Pro) Lite, lets you estimate the amount of charging your neighborhood will need and how that will affect your charging load.

EV charging stations financed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will have to meet national standards approved by the Federal Highway Administration. The FHWA standards include those funded by the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program. A Whitehouse fact sheet cites these standards:

  • A minimum number of chargers should be hosted at charging stations and the type of plug should be consistent.
  • Drivers will be able to locate charging stations through mapping applications, and pricing, availability, and accessibility data will be made public.
  • All chargers would be identified using a single method, eliminating the need for multiple apps and accounts.
  • Incorporate plug-and-charge capabilities into equipment to ensure compatibility in the future
  • Uptime reliability requirements for chargers call for the charger to be ready for operation 97 percent of the time under normal circumstances.

It is the reliability of electric vehicles that poses the greatest challenge to EV charging stations, according to J.D. Power research.

They found that, through the end of Q1 2023, 20.8 percent of EV drivers using public charging stations experienced failures or malfunctions in equipment, preventing them from charging their vehicles.

J.D. Power’s executive director of the electric vehicle practice, Brent Gruber, explained, “Public charging stations remain a critical obstacle, but they are not the only one… charging station reliability continues to be a concern.”. 

A number of charging visits end without a charge, most of which are caused by station outages. In order to improve charging reliability, station connectivity, internal errors and faults, and faulty charging connectors must be overcome.

Having a public charging station that is affordable, equitably distributed, attractive to use, and connected to a robust power grid is not easy. A successful charging station must provide installation and operation partners with a viable business opportunity without charging consumers excessive amounts.

This reality creates a tension between what’s needed by the public and what’s possible for investors and private enterprises.

Market Trends & Future Outlook

Charge infrastructure expansion has been attributed to several factors:

  • There has been an aggressive push by the federal government to develop the EV market, including:
    • New Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards
    • 2023 Updated Greenhouse Gas Standards
    • The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021
    • Federal Fleet Electrification
  • It is anticipated that battery costs will continue to fall and EV sales will continue to surge. This downward trend has been slowed over the past few years by issues related to supply chain management, but the long-term outlook still calls for lower storage battery prices.
  • The development of solid state batteries could further increase battery efficiency and lower costs, as they could be lighter, stronger, and last longer, compared to current electric vehicle batteries.

Despite the obstacles facing the industry, an electrified transportation system is within our reach. In order to reach long-term carbon-free goals, we must provide affordable and equitable charging infrastructure.

As part of SEPA’s mission to help industry stakeholders understand and plan for the growth of electric demand, we provide technical analysis, strategic guidance, general best practices, and stakeholder-specific recommendations. Visit our Transportation page to find out more about EV infrastructure.

Get an understanding of how electric vehicles with bidirectional charging can support energy resource opportunities, store renewable energy, provide ancillary services, and serve as resilience assets for utilities and their communities. Find out more about bidirectional charging in 2023 in the full report.

Charging Infrastructure Key Terms

AC Charger

A vehicle battery charger provides electricity to the battery by using alternating current (AC). AC chargers are generally classified into two levels based on the voltage and power they provide – Level 1 and Level 2.

DC Charger

Using direct current (DC), this type of charger supplies electrical power to charge the battery of a vehicle. DC chargers are designed for fast and rapid charging, which makes them ideal for drivers who need to recharge their electric vehicles quickly. DC chargers are also called DCFC chargers or Level 3 chargers.

Charge Point Management System (CPMS)

Charge station operators and service providers typically use the CPMS to monitor, control, and maintain their network of charging stations. The software or technology platform is used to manage and control EV charging infrastructure. For charging stations to operate efficiently and reliably, it is a critical component.

Charge Point Operator (CPO)

Charging stations for electric vehicles are operated, managed, and maintained by an entity or organization. In addition to installing, networking, and providing customer service associated with electric vehicle charging, the CPO is also involved in several aspects of the charging infrastructure.

Charger cable is a power source delivers power to an electric vehicle.

Charging Port

It is an electrical connection between the charging station and the vehicle’s battery. They can be found on charging stations with more than one port. Also known as electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).

Charging Site

An area that hosts charging equipment for public use. There can be more than one charging station at a charging site.

Charging Station

An electric vehicle charging cabinet that can be mounted on a wall or free-standing. Sometimes called an EVSE or charging point.


There can be multiple connectors and connector types (such as CHAdeMO and CCS) connected to an EVSE port at the same time, but only one vehicle can charge at a time. Connectors are sometimes called plugs.

Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Traditional internal combustion engines (ICEs) use gasoline or diesel fuel to power their engines, while electric vehicles (EVs) use battery power or other energy storage as their primary energy source.

Battery Electric Vehicle

BEVs are electric vehicles that are powered only by electricity from an on-board rechargeable battery. They have no internal combustion engines or internal combustion fuels.

Hybrid (HEV) and PHEV

In PHEVs, the battery can be recharged by a charging station, while regular hybrids cannot be and do not need to be plugged in. Hybrid electric vehicles use a combination of an onboard rechargeable battery and an internal combustion engine for propulsion.

On-board charger

The compatibility and interoperability of EVs with various charging stations are highly dependent on the communication protocols used by on-board chargers.

Station Location

EVSE stations have one or more EVSE ports at a single address. They can be found in parking garages, mall parking lots, etc. They are also referred to as charging points or charging stations.

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