how to name your tesla

A creative name for a car has always been embraced by people all over the world, even before Elon Musk’s hidden Easter eggs on Tesla models made naming cars more fun. 

Names are sometimes given to vehicles as a sign of love and appreciation for the machines that allow us to be so liberated. Sometimes, naming your car is an opportunity to commemorate a special occasion. A car’s name is one of the best ways to celebrate getting your first car.

Furthermore, if you frequently talk about your Tesla (as many people do), it only makes sense to call it something other than Model X. 

Here’s everything you need to know about How To Name Your Tesla. 

Why rename your Tesla? The benefits

You don’t have to name your Tesla, first of all. 

Despite Elon Musk’s eccentric behavior and unique products, you can still drive a Tesla if your Tesla account credentials don’t include a name. Choosing a name is optional – there is no harm in skipping it.

That being said, naming your car strengthens your connection with it and showcases your personality at the same time.

How To Name Your Tesla

It’s also a lot more fun to name a Tesla than most other automobiles. No other automotive manufacturer has embraced the concept of car naming more than Tesla. It’s no secret that Elon Musk and Tesla do things a little differently if you’re familiar with them.

By combining most advanced technology with more personalization options, Tesla is not only revolutionizing the electric vehicle market. 

You can actually give your car an official name, which is one of the most endearing features. Adding this name to your car’s dashboard does more than just add a cute touch. You will also be able to unlock some unique features, such as hidden Easter eggs, that will make your driving experience more enjoyable.

In a minute, we’ll explore the top Easter eggs. Here’s how to change the name of your Tesla step-by-step. 

How do I name my Tesla? Rename your Tesla

You can change the name of your Tesla in a few ways. In either case, there is not much to worry about. The Tesla team (hopefully) won’t need to be contacted, nor will you need a mechanic. It’s as simple as accessing your car’s dashboard or your Tesla app. 

How to change your Tesla’s name on the car dashboard

On most Tesla models, the dashboard includes some pretty impressive technology – one of the great things about Tesla vehicles. Tap the little car icon on your dashboard screen if you want to name your Tesla from inside.

Click on the Software tab next. In addition to things like Controls, Charging and Navigation, you can find this item in a menu. Before you can experiment with the features on your new car, you might need to install a software update. 

How To Name Your Tesla

Your Tesla model number appears alongside an image of your car when a new screen loads. If you aren’t sure what to name your car, you can always take inspiration from that number. 

Your vehicle’s standard name is probably something like Model X next to your model number. Tap that, and enter your new name on the screen keyboard. 

On your dashboard, you’ll see the name you saved. Whenever you load up your Tesla screen, as well as on your mobile app, it will appear.

Change the Name in the App

How To Name Your Tesla

Tesla’s smartphone app allows users to change the title directly from their car if they’ve suddenly come up with a fun new name for their Tesla. This app can be downloaded for free when you purchase a Tesla.

Unlock Easter Eggs By Setting Your Car’s Name

In an interesting twist, Tesla has incorporated a few Easter eggs into the car’s name, so watch the magic unfold if you name your car “Patsy”, “Rabbit of Caerbannog”, “Mr. Creosote”, “Biggus Dickus,” or “Unladen Swallow” as a tribute to Monty Python. Also included is Douglas Adams’ science fiction comedy ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’.

How to name my Tesla: Quick tips

Choosing an interesting Tesla name can be harder than learning how to do it in your car’s app or dashboard. Even Tesla owners have trouble naming their cars, just as they struggle with naming their pets, children, or brands.

How To Name Your Tesla

There’s no need to worry if an idea doesn’t come to mind right away. Just a moment ago, we listed some clever Tesla names for your inspiration.

Nevertheless, before we get started, here are a few quick tips to help you come up with the perfect name.

1. Show off your personality

If someone is lucky enough to ride in your car, you will have a chance to show them your personality through the name you choose for it. Furthermore, it’s a great way to make driving more personal. Do not feel pressured to follow trends. 

You should choose a name that is meaningful to you. Consider naming your car after a popular pop culture character, or try a clever pun. Don’t be afraid to have a little fun when changing your name. Remember, you can do it as often as you like.

2. Build on the model name

It’s easy to come up with a unique idea if you work off the model name if you’re struggling for inspiration. The name of your Tesla could begin with E, for instance, if you have a Model E. 

A Tesla brand name could be another option if you want to honor Elon Musk. 

To reflect Musk’s quest to revolutionize space exploration, perhaps you would like to call the company Saturn.. To refer to sustainable energy, perhaps you would like to call it green machine.. 

3. Get inspired with color names

An excellent source of inspiration is the color palette of your car. When you look at the color of your Tesla, you may immediately think of a few things. A blue or red car might be named Sonic after Sonic the Hedgehog, or Scarlet after Scarlett the Cat. 

A lot of white Teslas have names related to their color, like Snowy or Storm. Organize an informal brainstorming session with your family and friends?

4. Work from the license plate

Look at the license plate when learning how to name your Tesla for some much needed inspiration. It is true that not every license plate will have letters you can build on like Bla for Blair or Ry for Ryan, but you never know.

How To Name Your Tesla

You can actually remember your car’s license plate when you’re out and about when you use your car’s license plate in your name. If you’re using an app to pay for parking or something similar, that’s handy.

5. Personify your car

Your Tesla is already being treated like an animated person when you rename it. Yes, it might seem strange at first, but embrace it! Having fun is never a bad thing!

Create Tesla’s new identity based on the personality your vehicle would have if it could talk to you like a person. The name of your vehicle can also be feminine or masculine if you want to look beyond gender-neutral names.


The information presented above should provide you with plenty of inspiration if you’re wondering how to name your Tesla. Many drivers have given their vehicles names over the years, despite initially seeming strange.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are good names for Tesla?

Great names for a Tesla could include ‘Electra,’ ‘EcoDrive,’ ‘Voltiva,’ or ‘PowerFlow.’

How is Elon Musk named Tesla?

Elon Musk named Tesla after Nikola Tesla, the brilliant inventor and electrical engineer, as a tribute to his pioneering work.

How do you name your car?

Naming your car can be a personal choice. Consider its features, personality, or even your own preferences when choosing a name.

What is the famous Tesla name?

The famous name associated with Tesla is ‘Nikola Tesla,’ the visionary scientist and inventor who inspired the brand’s name and ethos.

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